Event : SIADE
Pré-lancement SIADE - Salon International de l'I.A, de la Defense et de l'Espace
Le 10 juin 2024, le Sofitel Abidjan Hôtel Ivoire a accueilli le pré-lancement du SIADE. L'événement a mis en lumière l'impact de l'intelligence artificielle dans les secteurs de la défense et de l'espace.
Nous avons eu l'honneur de compter sur la présence du parrain, M. Téné Birahima Ouattara, Ministre d'Etat, Ministre de la Défense de Côte d'Ivoire, qui a inauguré l'événement en soulignant l'importance de l'IA dans le renforcement de la sécurité nationale.
Fidèle Sarassoro, chef de cabinet du président, a également assisté à l'événement.
Le discours de clôture de l'événement a été prononcé par le ministre de la transition numérique et de la numérisation, M. Ibrahim Kalil Konaté.
Les sessions de mise en réseau ont été l'un des temps forts de la journée, au cours desquelles les participants ont échangé avec des experts et des leaders d'opinion, nouant des liens précieux et discutant des tendances et des défis actuels. Des perspectives de collaboration ont été discutées, ouvrant la voie à de futurs projets ambitieux.
Nous tenons à remercier la directrice générale de l'ARTCI, Mme Namahoua Touré, le PDG de SaH Analytics International, M. Yaya Sylla, le président de PROMÉTHÉE Earth Intelligence, Olivier Piepsz, et le directeur général de l'ONECI, M. Christian Ago, d'avoir coorganisé cet événement de pré-lancement.
Merci à tous les participants ! Grâce à votre présence, le pré-lancement a été un grand succès.
Nous vous donnons rendez-vous pour le lancement du SIADE - Salon International de l'I.A, de la Défense et de l'Espace en 2025, qui s'annonce encore plus riche en découvertes et en opportunités.
Event : Cyber Africa Forum 2024 (CAF)
Cyber Africa Forum (CAF) 2024
At the first panel of Day 2 of the Cyber Africa Forum (CAF), entitled “Black Mirror: AI ethics in the age of misinformation”, a captivating discussion took place on the ethical implications of the encounter between misinformation and artificial intelligence (AI).
This panel featured renowned speakers, offering a unique perspective on the subject among whom were:
◼ Dr Yaya Sylla, President and CEO of SaH Analytics International,
◼ Abdul-Hakeem Ajijola, Chairman of the African Union Expert Group on Cybersecurity,
◼ Mohamed Amine Dahmani, Sales Director at ESET Afrique Francophone ,
◼ Jamal FOFANA, Partner at ASAFO & CO. and Bernard BARBIER, Chief Executive Officer of BBCyber.
◼ Isabelle D. Director of Operations, General Counsel, Genesis Holding Company – as Moderator.
The discussions shed light on the current and future ethical challenges linked to this convergence, highlighting the crucial importance of guiding the development of AI with respect for ethical values and fundamental rights.
Formation : Plateforme touristique SITD
SITD Platform Training
At SaH Analytics International, we were privileged to celebrate International Women’s Rights Day.
The day was a valuable opportunity for all of us to recognise and celebr
Training in the use of the SITD Platform for the Ministry of Tourism
The SITD Platform is a resource bringing together the majority of the country’s tourism heritage, meticulously geolocated on an intuitive and interactive interface. It offers a range of features designed to facilitate decision-making and improve the management of tourism resources.
A practical training session on the use of the SITD Platform was successfully conducted by the SaH Analytics International project team, with Marie Caplain, Touré Marc, Aziz Ouattara ,CAPM®, Stéphane Aristide Shekhina GNABA.
The aim of this training course is to empower the Regional Directors (RDs) and Departmental Directors (DDs) of the Ministry of Tourism with the following objectives:
Mastering the key functionalities of the SITD Platform.
Learning methods for analysing and interpreting geolocalised data.
Practical training for daily use within the Ministry of Tourism.
The SITD Platform represents a major asset for the Ministry of Tourism, providing an accurate and detailed overview of the country’s tourist heritage.
ate the outstanding achievements of women, as well as their crucial importance in our society.
We organised a special event to mark this significant occasion. On the programme, we had the pleasure of watching a video highlighting the inspiring journey of a remarkable woman, followed by a lively debate around the theme of gender equality and the challenges women face on a daily basis.
We look forward to continuing to work together to promote gender equality and create an environment where everyone can flourish and achieve their full potential.
Once again, many thanks to the management of SaH Analytics International, Mr Yaya Sylla and Ms Sali Sène Ouattara for your support.
Day : 8th march Women’s Rights Day
International Women's Day
At SaH Analytics International, we were privileged to celebrate International Women’s Rights Day.
The day was a valuable opportunity for all of us to recognise and celebrate the outstanding achievements of women, as well as their crucial importance in our society.
We organised a special event to mark this significant occasion. On the programme, we had the pleasure of watching a video highlighting the inspiring journey of a remarkable woman, followed by a lively debate around the theme of gender equality and the challenges women face on a daily basis.
We look forward to continuing to work together to promote gender equality and create an environment where everyone can flourish and achieve their full potential.
Once again, many thanks to the management of SaH Analytics International, Mr Yaya Sylla and Ms Sali Sène Ouattara for your support.
The 15th edition of the AFRICA BANKING FORUM
During the 15th edition of the AFRICA BANKING FORUM on 27, 28 29 February 2024.
At AFRICA BANKING FORUM, come and talk to our experts to find out how SaH Analytics International can help your financial institution achieve its objectives :
✅ Accelerate digital transformation.
✅ Improve Risk Management and Compliance.
✅ Increase revenues through real-time Customer Knowledge and Relationship Management.
✅ Enable enterprise-wide performance management.
✅ Develop data analysis and optimisation capabilities.
✅ Improve the protection of your infrastructure through cybersecurity.
Don’t miss this opportunity to discover the opportunities for innovation and transformation in the African financial sector offered by leveraging your data.
⏩ Immerse yourself in the captivating atmosphere of PLENARY SESSION 3: “Big Data and cloudification: Major assets for competitive banking dynamics” at the AFRICA BANKING FORUM 🏦
👀 Discover in pictures Mrs Sali Sène Ouattara, CEO of SaH Analytics International, sharing her expertise on the impact of Big Data and cloudification in the African banking sector.
🤝 Accompanied by Mr Akétchi Franck B. AKA from AFG Bank Côte d’Ivoire and Mr Yinka Daramola from QuCoon Limited, this session was brilliantly moderated by Mr Mouhamed THIOMBANE from Mazars.
A fascinating discussion exploring the prospects offered by these innovative technologies to strengthen the competitiveness of financial institutions in Africa! 🌍💼