Event : Forum Cote d’ivoire

Forum Cote d’ivoire 2023
The major event on 4 July 2023, the 2nd edition of the Côte d’Ivoire Forum, organised by Business France in Paris, was an exceptional opportunity to meet market experts and exchange views on key topics.
SaH Analytics International, as a sponsor, played an active role by participating in two important round tables.
1️⃣ The first round table, entitled “Innovation and development of a digital economy”, was attended by Yaya Sylla, Chairman of SaH Analytics International, and Philippe MEDIONI, Development Director, Partner of Matawan BY UBITRANSPORT.
2️⃣ The second round table, entitled “Agricultural performance and the potential of the agri-food industry”, brought together a diverse panel of experts, including Moussa T., Director of SaH Analytics International France, as well as Solange Amichia, Managing Director of CEPICI Officiel, Ben COULIBALY, Secretary General of PALMCI – Groupe SIFCA, and Arnaud Floris, Africa Coordinator at Bpifrance.
These high-level speakers shared their expertise on innovation and the development of the digital economy in Côte d’Ivoire.
All in all, the 2nd Côte d’Ivoire Forum was a resounding success. The quality and diversity of the discussions at the various round tables contributed to the success of the event.