Ivory Coast Vaccination Digital Platform
Nowadays, new technologies constitute a useful tool to facilitate the follow-up of care around health. The digital Vaccination platform is a digital solution deployed with the aim of facilitating the user experience and of pooling and data from PCR sampling, vaccination and appointment scheduling in a single showcase. It allows the user to be alerted to the status of his samples and analyzes. It informs and makes it possible to monitor this data related to Covid-19.

The user can thus interact directly with the digital platform to consult his documents (vaccination record, sample collection certificate and others) and apply for vaccination and sampling appointments, thus the user breaks the chains of transmission. and slow the spread of the virus by staying at home.
The use of the application is based on voluntary service and each user is free to activate and relax as the situation requires. It is an essential complementary tool in the fight against Covid-19. The more the application is used, the sooner the contact cases will be alerted, the more we will collectively have an impact on the control and progress of the epidemic.