Event : SIADE

Pre-launch SIADE - Salon International de l'I.A, de la Defense et de l'Espace
On June 10, 2024, the Sofitel Abidjan Hôtel Ivoire was the venue for the pre-launch of SIADE. The event highlighted the impact of artificial intelligence in the defense and space sectors.
We were honored to count on the presence of the sponsor, Mr. Téné Birahima Ouattara, Minister of State, Minister of Defense of Côte d’Ivoire, who inaugurated the event by underlining the importance of AI in strengthening national security.
The event was also attended by the President’s Chief of Staff, Fidèle Sarassoro.
The event’s closing speech was delivered by the Minister of Digital Transition and Digitization, Mr. Ibrahim Kalil Konaté.
Networking sessions were one of the highlights of the day, where participants exchanged with experts and opinion leaders, making valuable connections and discussing current trends and challenges. Prospects for collaboration were discussed, paving the way for ambitious future projects.
We would like to thank the Director General of ARTCI, Ms Namahoua Touré, the CEO of SaH Analytics International, Mr Yaya Sylla, the President Olivier Piepsz of PROMÉTHÉE Earth Intelligence and the Director General of ONECI, Mr Christian Ago, for co-hosting this pre-launch event.
Thank you to all participants! Thanks to your presence, the pre-launch was a great success.
We look forward to seeing you at the launch of SIADE – Salon International de l’I.A, de la Defense et de l’Espace en 2025, which promises to be even richer in discoveries and opportunities.